Simplify compliance with CSA STAR
Reduce complexity and streamline assessments

The CSA STAR Platform
The CSA STAR Platform is a SaaS application that helps organizations manage compliance with CSA STAR requirements. The STAR Platform enables users to manage their compliance of cloud service with CSA best practices including the Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) and Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ) .
Learn MoreCCM and CAIQ
The Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) is a cybersecurity control framework for cloud computing aligned to the CSA best practices, that is considered the de-facto standard for cloud security and privacy. The accompanying questionnaire, CAIQ, provides a set of “yes or no” questions based on the security controls in the CCM. You can now download the CCM and CAIQ together.
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Who can use the CSA STAR Platform?
Cloud users
Cloud providers
Cloud auditors
Cloud security solution providers